Thursday, January 9, 2014

We're AP Lit Nerds and Loving It: January 10, 2014

Shortened Class Today

Focus: How can we meaningfully end this semester and start the next one?

1. Welcoming you back and explaining second semester (click HERE for the syllabus)

2. Really--what is this Critical Review you speak of?

3. Enjoying a quick exercise with opposites

4. Using antithesis to understand the narrator's journey in Invisible Man

5. Time to work on your big question blogs for Invisible Man, or your poetry packet, or your first poetry response, etc.

1. If you haven't done so yet, (re)read the ending AND the Prologue of Invisible Man.  For your reading ticket for our final Socratic seminar on Invisible Man, I'd like you to answer this question: What does it mean to be invisible?  Feel free to wander away from the novel as you respond, but keep bringing yourself back every now and then. I'd like this to be about one page, typed and double spaced.

2. Please decide on your critical review book. Sam and I will be at Tattered Cover tomorrow around 11 if you'd like to stop by.  Your proposals are technically due Monday, but it's okay if you need a few extra days.

3. Think about what poems you'd like to include in the poetry packet you're making.  Please submit a hard copy of your packet to me by next Friday.

4. Just FYI: We will have our first Tuesday writing on Tuesday.  It will be on Invisible Man.

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