Monday, May 12, 2014

A.P. Lit Is Singing, Kind of: May 12, 2014

Focus: How amazing are we at lip syncing?

1. Warming up by celebrating Madison:

From Mrs. Smith: Madison- one thing she reminds me of, whether she knows this or not, is how strong young women can be; they just need to recognize it in themselves.  I know I see it shining through in Madison.  She is an example of perseverance, determination, and hard work all while maintaining a radiant smile.

From Mr. Morahan: Madison was a quiet young lady in class, but was probably one of the more thoughtful students I have had. I remember her being caring in class- and not just with her classmates, but caring for the people of the world in which we were studying; people she had never met, living lives we struggle to imagine, let alone empathize with. 

From Mr. Corson: Madison is a dedicated soul.  She always wants to get everything right. What she doesn't realize is that she has gotten it right even before she begins. I know that names and dates aren't the most important part of history, It is more about learning about what shapes people and cultures and the basis of that is caring about those people enough to hear their story. And that is what Madison does every day.  She cares about those around her.

From her mom and dad: One of the things I love about Madison is her incredible tenacity and determination. Once she sets her mind to something she will put in whatever work and effort it takes to accomplish her goal.  On the fun side,  I love the way Madison laughs.  When she is happy and she laughs, she laughs from her eyes to deep in her soul.

2. Engaging in a lip syncing battle

Before I let you go on Friday, please turn in/take care of the following:
1. Your letter to next year's AP Lit students (they will read these the day before the exam).
2. All of your school books.
3. Your legacy in a Word Document.
4. Your evaluation, which you can access by clicking HERE

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