Thursday, April 3, 2014

A.P. Lit Nerds: April 3, 2014

Focus: How can we improve our timed writings?

1. Warming up: Sharing your best and your worst from Tuesday's writings; writing a quick comment to your editors

2. Gathering with your book clubs one last time to assess your Tuesday writings:

a. Discuss how you answered the prompt.  How did you interpret the prompt?  What examples did you use? What was the larger importance of the book to which you connected those examples?

b. Read through the rubric together, highlighting important words that distinguish one grading category from another.

c. Pass clockwise and read quietly once without making a mark.

d. Comment on its content and organization (thesis, topic sentences, examples, close readings, etc.); then, using the rubric, suggest a grade range and give a brief explanation of your decision.

e. Pass again clockwise and read quietly without making a mark.

f. Comment on its style (diction, sentence variety, lead-ins, transitions, etc.); then, using the rubric, suggest a grade range and give a brief explanation of your decision. 

g. Pass one last time (clockwise) and read quietly without making a mark.

h. Comment on what the writer asked you to comment on; then, using the rubric, suggest a grade range and give a brief explanation of your decision.

3. Conferencing with your fellow group members on the feedback you gave

Finish the rough draft of your culminating essay prompt and book list; please print and hand in tomorrow for feedback.

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