December 20, 2013
Dear A.P. Lit scholars,
It was wonderful to see so many of you yesterday. Please know that I have been thinking constantly about you; although I've been worrying about how you're doing, I also know how incredibly strong you are. I was so proud of you for bravely walking back into our building on Thursday and reclaiming it. As someone who has been back in the school for the past three days, I can tell you that each time I reenter the school, it does get a little easier. Seeing all of your faces helps.
Some of you have been asking about the final exam that we were going to take last Tuesday. After talking at length with with Mr. Kleeman and Mr. Miles, here is what we have decided:
We will offer, in lieu of a final exam, an optional full length practice A.P. Literature exam from 2:30-5:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 16 in rooms C-12, C-13 and C-16. We strongly recommend that our junior students and our seniors who have not taken A.P. Language take this practice exam. All A.P. Literature students, however, are welcome.
In terms of first semester grades, I will complete the grading of poetry papers and enter these over the break. I will also enter the poetry project grades and any revisions that have been submitted to me in the past few weeks. If you have any concerns about your grade, please e-mail me.
I wish all of you restful, peaceful breaks. Keep taking care of one another.
Much love,
Ms. Leclaire
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