Friday, October 25, 2013

October 27, 2013: What's Happening in A.P. Literature?

1. Finish rehearsing the battle scenes in Act V.
2. At 9:00, begin presentations.
3. If we don't finish the scenes today, we'll do that tomorrow.
4. Henry IV, Part 1 final Socratic Seminar--Thursday.

 Ticket for Thursday: Defend or refute each statement with bullet points or a paragraph:
  • Henry IV is a respectable king.
  • Falstaff is this play's only innocent character
  • Henry IV is essentially an anti-war play.
Also--Write 2-3 strong questions for our discussion. This is part of the ticket.

5. On Thursday  Friday, we'll write an in-class essay about Henry IV, using an A.P. question. Please use the computers for that essay.

HW--Begin looking at the poems linked on Mrs. Leclaire's web page. Do you want to write about the poem or do a creative project about the poem? We'll decide that on Tuesday. On Monday, submit your chosen poem to Mrs. Makovsky.

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